Ciao! I am back to the German nest after a month sojourn in Bella
Italia. Would be posting some photos taken during my stay in Padova,
short visit to Venice, summer camping with Filipino and Italian kids
in Settefrati and a brief holiday in this Città of ever walking tourists,
varieties of pasta and pizza and hundreds of piazza, in this hill now
known as the Palentine, in this city of Roma.
In between saving my drooping "self-supporting" plants and
sorting out emails which landed as spam mails, I would be spending
many late hours of the last summery days this year posting, reading
and touching base with other "webby" pals and friends who could not be
convinced that there are places in Italy which are so stubbornly against
internet cafes.
Other plan is to do some trimmings of the deposited fats (per carità)
after a month of devouring lovely pastas and Gelato(ice cream)and meriendas
of guinataan and pichi-pichi!
What about you? Vi siete trovati bene? Did you have a beautiful time?