n. The virtue which induces us to feed and lodge certain persons who are not in
need of food and lodging."Ambrose
Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911
6:30 morning call
7:30 Prepared first Sauce for the Koftas which
I prepared the
night before.
night before.
8.20 2nd Sauce with Thai spicy
9.20 Cleaned Guest WC using a miracle stain
remover which sent me
crying out to the terrace to get fresh air. Went out to fetch TP.
10.25 Someone called up but cp was low-bat. It turned off and I
couldn’t find my pin code. Continuation of Domestic Goddess role.
14.30 Went out for the second time to buy drinks, chips and ice cubes.
crying out to the terrace to get fresh air. Went out to fetch TP.
10.25 Someone called up but cp was low-bat. It turned off and I
couldn’t find my pin code. Continuation of Domestic Goddess role.
14.30 Went out for the second time to buy drinks, chips and ice cubes.
15.46 Washed hair, took shower.
16:00 Start of preparing finger goodies, deep frying Thai spicy parcels,
heating koftas cutting veggies and preparing dips with my hair
wrapped in towel. I don’t want to smell like a walking egg roll.
18:10 Arrival of first three guests: two blondes, one black hair;
followed by another one. More telephone calls for the direction
of the nest. One guest called up as she was controlled by the
police, and she had to return back home to fetch car documents.
A surprise visit from a guest who told us she became
grandma that day. More reasons to celebrate, it’s a girl!.
Dinner: drinking, eating, entertaining, inter-active cooking with
Je, our dear friend from Thailand. More jokes and wine.
One friend asked me if I informed my eighbors about the
party. No, I said. We are well-behaving anyway. Singing of
birthday songs in three languages. Cutting of the (ikea) cake by
the three birthday celebrants of the OTAP,
(Organization of Truly Attractive Pinays!).
16:00 Start of preparing finger goodies, deep frying Thai spicy parcels,
heating koftas cutting veggies and preparing dips with my hair
wrapped in towel. I don’t want to smell like a walking egg roll.
18:10 Arrival of first three guests: two blondes, one black hair;
followed by another one. More telephone calls for the direction
of the nest. One guest called up as she was controlled by the
police, and she had to return back home to fetch car documents.
A surprise visit from a guest who told us she became
grandma that day. More reasons to celebrate, it’s a girl!.
Dinner: drinking, eating, entertaining, inter-active cooking with
Je, our dear friend from Thailand. More jokes and wine.
One friend asked me if I informed my eighbors about the
party. No, I said. We are well-behaving anyway. Singing of
birthday songs in three languages. Cutting of the (ikea) cake by
the three birthday celebrants of the OTAP,
(Organization of Truly Attractive Pinays!).

Vicky, Marilou and ML
01:10 Last guest to leave. One BFF stayed overnight to catch
an early train to NL. We shared a round of Dao,
Portuguese red wine. Too strong, BFFsaid, we needed
steak for the drinks.
07.30 Woke up to ensure BFF gets up to catch the early train to
NL. Went back to sleep.
09:45 Found a beanie cap left by one BFF. Poor her,
it was freezing cold in NL.
01:10 Last guest to leave. One BFF stayed overnight to catch
an early train to NL. We shared a round of Dao,
Portuguese red wine. Too strong, BFFsaid, we needed
steak for the drinks.
07.30 Woke up to ensure BFF gets up to catch the early train to
NL. Went back to sleep.
09:45 Found a beanie cap left by one BFF. Poor her,
it was freezing cold in NL.
11:05 Called up the owner of the beanie cap.
Started clearing stuffs away.
11:45 Finished hovering and hearing crunchy sound
of dropped
nuts and chips. Collected pink feathers of a polyester flamingo.
12:05 Time to enjoy Fado and started to relax a bit.
nuts and chips. Collected pink feathers of a polyester flamingo.
12:05 Time to enjoy Fado and started to relax a bit.
12:35 Reheated “Tiramisu” of “iPad” Thai noodle
for lunch.
Washed wine glasses, More cleaning up. Returned boxes of glasses
and party pan to cellar.
Washed wine glasses, More cleaning up. Returned boxes of glasses
and party pan to cellar.
14:20 Siesta finally! Journal closed. Until the next party to throw.