Friday, the 14th of December
no sign of snow
no sign of sun
at least the temperature is getting like a typical December weather
and today no rain!
the cleaning of the balcony can wait
but it is Friday
market day
fish day
Sushi dinner for two
do it yourself slicing and soaking the
fresh tuna and salmon
in soy sauce with three cloves of finely
cut garlic
eaten with japanese rice sprinkled with
all sorts of flaky sea weeds
and accompanied by warm sake
quite a shift from the sweet stuffs which
I have been chewing since the start of December:
Krapfen (which is translated as doughnut!)
Spekulatius, Macaroons and Stollen.
Last night I was finishing off a packet of
Macademia nuts and some pistachio left-overs -
must be those sudden pangs of hunger after
my Heilfasting. Anyway, I won my bet with
Nelly that I could lose some weight before
the conference...the only act of losing I really like...
losing in the scale. So now the bulge can come
back and I can throw my weight around, ahah!
Irog, can you mail our Christmas cards, fetch
water and bring down the garbage, pleeeeeeease!
(Actually, I wanted to change the image for my
blog...but it won't work. The new photo refused
to appear on the main page. Too loaded with blogging
images? SOS! or Help!)

(Another booty from the Weihnachtsmarkt, Churros ala Alemanya!
No, we don't serve them with hot chocolate came the answer
from a woman selling Christmas biscuits when I asked if I could
have hot chocolate to go with the fingergoodies. With what then,
with Gluehwein?)