Wednesday, 16 December 2009

December 16...starts of Misa de Gallo, 9th day before Christmas

Still no sign of snow be neighbors' chimneys are all giving out
smoke signals. A friend sent message that they have snowflakes
this morning somewhere in Bonn. It seems everyone is just waiting
for the first snowfall.
In Copenhagen, another friend is sending invites to friends to join
the big demonstration for climate protection and appeal to the UN
Climate Change Conference participants to make Copenhagen
conference a big breakthrough in keeping their responsibilities
for protecting our planet.
First of the 9th day before Christmas...Paul McCartney performs
tonight in Cologne. Cross-posting here the most famous song in our
planet earth...Yesterday...

Still waiting for the snow...

Thursday, 10 December 2009

December 10, Human Rights Day

"Recognition of human dignity of all people is the foundation of
justice and peace in the world."

I'm posting a copy of the open letter of the German Federation
of Journalists to the Ambassador of the Philippines to Germany
on the Ampatuan/Maguindanao massacre on November 23, 2009.

Letter of International Federation of Journalists (Germany)
to Philippine Ambassador
Today at 02:55
9 December 2009

RE: Massacre in the Philippines

Your Excellency,

The German Journalists Union (DJU in ver.di) respectfully requests
your cooperation in ensuring the Government of the Philippines is
aware of the global outrage about the massacre of a confirmed
59 people in Maguindanao Province, Mindanao, on November 23.

We urge you to use your authority and position to impress upon
your Government that the global community is demanding immediate and
credible action to ensure that all parties responsible for this atrocity
are held accountable to the full limit of the law.

We are informed by the International Federation of Journalists and its
affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines that
at least 30 journalists and media workers were among those murdered.
At the time of writing, another four media personnel are unaccounted for.

This is the worst mass killing of journalists and media workers ever

Journalists and the international media community are grieving and
distraught at the failure of the Government of the Philippines to
uphold its responsibility to protect our colleagues and to end
the long-running culture of impunity for the murders of journalists
in the Philippines.

During President Arroyo’s tenure, at least 75 journalists have been
killed in the Philippines. Almost all have been killed in relation
to their professional work. At last count, only four convictions had
been secured for these killings. Outside of Iraq, the Philippines has
become the most dangerous country for journalists this century.

The Government of the Philippines is obliged under United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1738 (2006) to actively protect
journalists and media workers reporting in conflict zones within
their national borders, in accordance with their status as
civilians under international law.

We call on you to ensure your Government and police and security
forces act on their responsibility to bring the perpetrators and
masterminds of the November 23 atrocity to account, without delay,
and to act now to end the culture of impunity that has plagued the
Philippines for so long.

Respectfully Yours,

Ulrike Maercks-Franzen
General Secretary of
German Journalists Union dju in ver.di

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Just looking for songs to define this emptiness within

Still feeling so empty and sad since this Nov. 23 Ampatuan
I started looking for songs and I found this link with
YouTube featuring this Italian song I heard when I was
in Italy this summer...domani. Tomorrow.

wondering if the site will accept the two posted sites.

Now the lyrics of the Italian song:

Originally Posted by bellacomeilsole

Tra le nuvole e i sassi passano i sogni di tutti
Between the clouds and the stones the dreams of everyone pass

passa il sole ogni giorno senza mai tardare. (Tiziano Ferro)
the sun passes every day without ever being late

Dove sarò domani? (Enrico Ruggeri)
Where will I be tomorrow?

Dove sarò? (Gianni Morandi)
Where will I be?

Tra le nuvole e il mare c’è una stazione di posta (Franco Battiato)
Between the clouds and the sea there is a coaching inn
(la stazione di posta is a place where wayfarers used to stop in
order to get some rest)

uno straccio di stella messa lì a consolare (Massimo Ranieri)
a tear of a star put there to comfort

sul sentiero infinito (Max Pezzali)
on the infinite path

del maestrale (Eugenio Finardi)
of the northwest wind

Day by day (Zucchero)
Day by day (Cesare Cremonini)
hold me shine on me. (Zucchero)
shine on me (Cesare Cremonini)
Day by day save me shine on me (Zucchero, Carmen Consoli,
Mauro Pagani, Cesare Cremonini, Eugenio Finardi)

Ma domani, domani, domani, lo so (Francesco Renga)
But tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, I know

Lo so che si passa il confine, (Roberto Vecchioni)
I know that it passes through the confines
(lit. I know that the borders will be passed)

E di nuovo la vita (Mauro Pagani)
and again life

sembra fatta per te (Giuliano Palma)
seems [to be] made for you

e comincia (Elio)
and it begins

domani (Elio e Le Storie Tese, Vittorio Cosma )

domani è già qui (Jovanotti)
tomorrow is already here

rap 1 Estraggo un foglio nella risma, nascosto scrivo e non
riesco forse perché il sisma m’ha scosso (Caparezza)
I pull out a piece in the ream, [being] hidden I write and
don't succeed maybe because the earthquake shocked me

rap 2 Ogni vita che salvi, ogni pietra che poggi, fa pensare
a domani ma puoi farlo solo oggi (Frankie Hi Energy)
Every life that you save, every stone that you place, it makes
you think about tomorrow but you can only do (it) today

e la vita la vita si fa grande così (Gianluca Grignani)
and life, life is made big like this

e comincia domani (Giuliano Sangiorgi)
and it begins tomorrow

Tra le nuvole e il mare si può fare e rifare (Claudio Baglioni)
Between the clouds and the sea you can make and repair

con un pò di fortuna (Ron)
with a little luck

si può dimenticare. (Luca Carboni)
you can forget

Dove sarò (Baustelle)
Where will I be?

domani? Dove sarò? (Samuele Bersani e Baustelle)
tomorrow, where will I be?

oh oh oh (coro: Carmen Consoli, Antonella Ruggiero, Alioscia,
Pacifico, Mango, Massimo Ranieri, Bluvertigo, Nek, Giuliano Palma,
Antonello Venditti, Roberto Vecchioni, Albano)

rap 3 Dove sarò domani che ne sarà dei miei sogni infranti,
dei miei piani
Dove sarò domani, tendimi le mani, tendimi le mani (Marracash)
Where will I be tomorrow, what will become of my shattered dreams,
of my plans. Where will I be tomorrow, stretch out your hands to me,
stretch out your hands to me

Tra le nuvole e il mare si può andare e andare (Laura Pausini)
Between the clouds and the sea you can go and go

sulla scia delle navi di là del temporale (Carmen Consoli)
in the wake of the ships beyond the storm

e qualche volta si vede (Nek)
and sometimes you see

domani (Antonello Venditti)

una luce di prua (Nek)
a light of the prow

e qualcuno grida: Domani (Antonello Venditti)
and someone yells: tomorrow

rap 4 Come l’aquila che vola
Like an eagle that flies

libera tra il cielo e i sassi, siamo sempre diversi e siamo
sempre gli stessi,
free among the sky and the stones we are always different and
we are always the same

hai fatto il massimo e il massimo non è bastato e non sapevi
piangere e adesso
you did the maximum (you did your best) and the maximum wasn't
enough and you didn't know how to cry and now

che hai imparato non bastano le lacrime ad impastare il calcestruzzo
that you learned the tears aren't enough to blend the concrete

eccoci qua cittadini d’Abruzzo
here are the citizens of Abruzzo

e aumentano d’intensità le lampadine una frazione di
the intensity of the lamps grows a fraction of

secondo prima della finee la tua mamma,
of a second before the end your mother

la tua patria da ricostruire,
your love of the land to reconstruct

comu le scole, le case e specialmente lu core
as well as the schools, the houses but especially the heart
e puru nu postu cu facimu l’amore
eppure un posto dove facciamo l'amore (guessing)-
and a place to make love
(Jovanotti, J Ax, Fabri Fibra e in chiusura Sud Sound System)

non siamo così soli (Giuliano Sangiorgi)
we are not so alone

a fare castelli in aria (J Ax e Fabri Fibra)
in building castles in the sky (air)

non siamo così soli (Giuliano Sangiorgi)
we are not alone

sulla stessa barca (J Ax , Fabri Fibra)
on the same ship

non siamo così soli (Giorgia)
we are not alone

a fare castelli in aria (J Ax e Fabri Fibra)
in building castles in the sky

non siamo così soli (Giorgia)
we are not alone

a stare bene in Italia (J Ax e Fabri Fibra)
in being well in Italy

sulla stessa barca (J Ax)
on the same ship

a immaginare un nuovo giorno in Italia (Giorgia,
Giusy Ferreri, Dolcenera, Mario Venuti, Jovanotti, J Ax, Fabri Fibra)
in imagining a new day in Italy

Tra le nuvole e il mare si può andare, andare
Sulla scia delle navi di là dal temporale (Piero Pelù)
Qualche volta si vede una luce di prua e qualcuno grida,
domani (Morgan)
Non siamo così soli (Giorgia, Mario Venuti, Giusy Ferreri, Dolcenera,
Giuliano Sangiorgi)
(tromba solo di Roy Paci)
Domani è già qui
Domani è già qui (Jovanotti, Marracash, FabriFibra, J Ax)
(Assolo violino Mauro Pagani)
Ma domani domani, domani lo so, lo so, che si passa il
confine (Gianna Nannini)
E di nuovo la vita sembra fatta per te e comincia (Elisa)
domani (Sud Sound System)
Tra le nuvole e il mare, si può fare e rifare
Con un pò di fortuna si può dimenticare (Manuel Agnelli Afterhours)
E di nuovo la vita, sembra fatta per te (Mango)
E comincia (Niccolò Fabi)
(coro finale)
E domani domani, domani lo so
Lo so che si passa il confine
E di nuovo la vita sembra fatta per te
E comincia domani