It was not planned to coincide with the approaching Inter-cultural
Week which is celebrated in Germany around this time. Our coffee
and cake women's group had just met barely two weeks before but
I scheduled this late "Merienda pow-wow" this Friday as the nest
would be "sturmfrei Bude" i.e. free. As you may imagine, it would
be free for all sorts of women's sharing: cooking, telling stories,
some instant dancings, music and lots of candles burning to reduce
the intensity of the delicious smell of exotic cooking coming
from the kitchen.
Despite my coughings and obviously miserable condition, my
friends came with me to my nest and we were ready to start
our own mini intercultural weekend.
As expected, the small kitchen was filled with laughters while
food preparation was going on. I learned how to sharpen my
knives professionally as the main guest cook was complaining
about my blunt knives.
We had Martabak, a traditional Indonesian
omelette with spiced ground meat, Empanadas or Panadas in Bahasa Indonesian with chicken meat.
We had djap jae, a Korean version of Pin@y chop-chuey in two
separate dishes to please our vegan friends. A bottle of iced-cold
Federweisser to toast was surprisingly welcomed and enjoyed by
these women of colors and tastes, and faith.
There was food for all preferences: for "non-beefer", "non-porker"
veggans, and possible Tee-totallers.
For dessert, my Indonesian girlfriend made Dadar, Indonesian rice pancake with sweet coconut fillings and
dipped in black chocolate sauce while I served turron , sweet bananas wrapped in egg roll wrappings and deep-fried.
When they left, I took another glass of Federweisser, put the
left-overs in the fridge, took a warm shower and cuddled my
laptop to bed.
It has been a wonderful dinner meeting. I coul still hear
my friends'laughters but also the faint coughings and
sneezings of some.
Mea Culpa!