The strawberye is the wonder of all the fruites growing naturally in these partes. | (Sir W. Raleigh) |
And the wild boys innocent as strawberries. (Dylan Thomas) |
Like strawberry wives, that laid two or three great strawberries at the mouth of their pot, and all the rest were little ones. (Francis Bacon) | . |
And here I am about to capture you little red berries, all alone with a basket in my hand only. (Pinay von Alemanya) |
Is the price right? |
A friend commented soon as she saw my photos. Oh why they're so pale, are they the last harvest of the season? No dearie, I harvested them myself and the picking season has not yet fully started. |
One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe) |
500 gms of strawberries and 1000g of jam sugar cooked to a boiling point while stirring and give it another 3 minutes of bubbly boiling and ready is your strawberry, jammy and yummy. |