Thursday, 5 June 2014

A Season of Strawberries

The strawberye is the wonder of all the fruites growing naturally in these partes. (Sir W. Raleigh)

And the wild boys innocent as strawberries. (Dylan Thomas)

Like strawberry wives, that laid two or three great strawberries at the mouth of their pot, and all the rest were little  ones. (Francis Bacon).

And here I am about to capture you little red berries, all alone with a basket in my hand only. (Pinay von Alemanya)

Is the price right?

A friend commented soon as she saw my photos. Oh why they're so pale, are they the last harvest of the season? No dearie, I harvested them myself and the picking season has not yet fully started.

One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.  (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
500 gms of strawberries and 1000g of jam sugar cooked to a boiling point while stirring and give it another 3 minutes of bubbly boiling and ready is your strawberry, jammy and yummy. 

The finished product from harvesting to preserving. It only started from (power)walking. The rest of the berries I made salad with balsamic vinegar and went well with dinner of Punjabi samosas and tamarind sauce, ah!