Wednesday, 21 February 2007

It 's all over on Ash Wednesday

It was a sequence of celebrations, since the start of February
this year: Valentine's Day, Weiberfastnacht, Chinese New
Year, Rosenmontag and the series of birthday parties
of all the February born women of the Eat and Meet
Club. For the birthday parties, much food, less booze.

Pssst, no comment on this tradition, I mean on Fasching
or Carnival. It is sacred to many Germans who are natives
of this Carnival stronghold.
"Hic, hic, hic, that is a joke,
all together now, Tata, tata. Wir lieben das Leben,
und wir haben immer Durst! Viva Colognia!"
One thing I like about this tradition is that one could be away
for years and yet, one does not feel that one has missed
something. Same procedure as every year.
And starting on Ash Wednesday, thank God, we will see again
the familiar seriousness of our seasonal clowns and Jeckens until
November 11 at 11 am.

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