Thursday, 31 May 2007

Japanese Karinderia in Alemanya


This is one of those joys of networking with other groups;
one discovers good eating places while talking about planning
and sharing the latest jokes. Filipinas talk about serious things
while chewing, never forget that.

My favorite things in this Japanese eatery in Duesseldorf.

a) Their white and blue set of ceramics. Too tempting, (ehem
for my hobby) they compete with the taste of their
b) fingergoodies Gyosas or dumplings
c) Odon, noodle soup

Hai! Oshiiiiiiiiiii yo! Total Cost of the set of
lunch for comparison: One plate of dumplings, one bowl
of noodle soup and one serving of green tea cost 11.00Euro.
(You multiply that with the peso rate...roughly around
600 plus pesos for one person. Right?) Takai desu ka?

This/these picture(s) is/are for Mila F. who did not come
to our meeting. Maglaway ka sa inggit!
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Anonymous said...

paki email na lang ang exact address
ng Japanese Restaurant...saan sa Düsseldorf?

Pinay von Alemanya said...

will be there again this coming Friday and will get the exact address or you want to meet me next Friday...puede din...

pinay von alemania