Wir Fordern Die Nacht Zurueck! Reclaim the Night!
With this political slogans, women in Cologne celebrated
the International Day of Elimination of Violence Against
Women on November 25.
For the protest march, they were shouting:
Wir sind Frauen
wir sind viele
wir haben die Nase voll!
We are women
We are many
Fed up are we!
Frauen, hoert ihr Frauen schrei'n
lasst die andere nicht allein...greift ein!
Women, if you hear woman screaming
Don't leave her alone
Strike back, help her!
Wir sind Frauen, welch ein Glueck,
wir fordern uns die Nacht zurueck!
We are women and lucky we are
We want to reclaim the night!
Frauen gemeinsam - sind nicht einsam
gemeinsam sind wir Stark!
Women together are not lonely
Together we are mighty!
The protest march was organized by the women network
Lila-in-Koeln and supported by the Frauenverband Courage
and rhythms of resistance Koeln.
Please see the attached video of the protest march of Nov. 25.
1 comment:
Congratulations Sisters on your wonderful march!
We had one in London UK on Saturday 27th November.
Details and photos are here
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