As promised to my friend, Beate, I'm posting something about the
old notes I found this week while keeping my New Year's resolution
to clear clutter away at least 10 minutes a day.
With a heavy heart, I threw the fading piece of paper and
retyped the notes to a folder named Diary Collection.
So here's what I found:
Im Jahre 1892 biss der erste Deutsche in die Banane.
90% alle Bundesbürger – einmal in der Woche,
9.5kilogram Pro Kopf jährlich
Gegen Raucherbein, Haarausfall, oder Fettleber.
Aus: Die Banane – "Dokumentation einer außergewöhnlichen Frucht“
Informationsgemeinschaft Banane. Müenchen, 100Seiten, 15 Mark
Rough translation:
In 1892, the first German bit into a banana.
90% of Germans eat banana once in a week, consuming about
9.5 kilos per person annually.
Banana is good against "Raucherbein" (literally, smoker's leg)or
hardening of the arteries in the legs due to excessive smoking.
Further googling defined it as PAOD, Peripheral Arterial Occlusive
Disease or simply leg gangrene which hopefully scares many smokers.
Banana is also good against hair loss (have you seen a hairless
monkey?) and fatty liver.
Taken from:
"The Banana - A Documentation of an Exceptional Fruit"
Banana Information Team. Munich, 100 pages, 15 Mark
I must have noted this info just a year before we started to pay
our bananas in Euro. As could be seen in the photo, the cost is
about 1.09Euro per kilo. I paid roughly 72.60pesos for the six
pieces, and this is the cheapest price one could have in my city.
Bio-shops and other city supermarkets demand higher prices for
the same imported goodies.
What I do with my bananas?
I mix it with breakfast cereals, make smoothies, do Banana split,
make turon, fry and shower it with white sugar or eat it with Adobo, a national dish from my home country with rice
or with any fried fish...with rice, of course.
There are some taste freaks who mix banana with peanut butter for
their sandwiches and I'm one of them, doing it for breakfast.
What I won't do is offer banana as dessert to some visiting
Pin@ys coming straight from a Banana Republic. Reason?
I don't want that comment once said to me: "How can you eat
banana here? They taste like medicine!"
Below are added scribblings on that fading piece of paper.
I have no idea why I included them in my notes on that same day:
Sepharden – orientalische Juden in Israel
Ashkenasim – europäische Juden
But I was not going bananas, definitely!...not!
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