Human Chain at the Prinzipalmarkt to St. Lambertikirche protesting about the tightening of Asylum laws |
Asylgesetz kippen
Stop the Tightening of Asylum Laws |
The historical Marktcafé and the Cathedral with the public market |
Enjoying coffee and the view of the weekend market at the Cathedral Square (Domplatz) |
This is one of the reasons why I always go back to the market of this city - the Reibekuchen (potato pancake with apple sauce) |
Prinzipalmarkt - principal marketplace of Münster |
Gymnasium Paulinum - founded around 797 and claimed to be the oldest school in Germany (wiki) |
The old building of Kollegium Heerde - an Internat (boarding house) for boys |
Giant Pool Balls sculpture von Claes Oldenburg at Aasee Park |
Aasee, the lake in Münster |