Monday, 15 June 2015

City Tour - Münster

Human Chain at the Prinzipalmarkt to St. Lambertikirche protesting about the tightening of Asylum laws
 Entrechtung stoppen
Asylgesetz kippen
Stop the Tightening of Asylum Laws

The historical Marktcafé and the Cathedral with the public market

Enjoying coffee and the view of the weekend market at the Cathedral Square (Domplatz)

This is one of the reasons why I always go back to the market of this city - the Reibekuchen (potato pancake with apple sauce)

Prinzipalmarkt - principal marketplace of Münster

Gymnasium Paulinum - founded around 797 and claimed to be the oldest school in Germany (wiki)
The old building of Kollegium Heerde - an Internat (boarding house) for boys

Giant Pool Balls sculpture von Claes Oldenburg at Aasee Park

Aasee, the lake in Münster

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